Join Us

We’re always looking for new members to join our cause!

We currently have applications open for the following exec team positions:
Editor-in-Chief (President)
– Act as the official representatives of the organization in external interactions. Oversees all operations to ensure quality and regularity of publications. Creates vision and overarching goals for the journal.
External Managing Editor (External Vice President)
– Oversees all “Science News” articles. Oversees meeting of deadlines for each “Science News” journalist’s articles. Completes final revisions for each “Science News” article. Participates in monthly live virtual meetings with editors-in-chief and internal managing editor to discuss recent updates and new projects for the organization
Internal Managing Editor (Internal Vice President)
– Oversees all “Science Myths” articles. Oversees meeting of deadlines for each “Science Myths” journalist’s articles. Participates in monthly live virtual meetings with internal managing editor and editors-in-chief to discuss recent updates and new projects for the organization
Web Development Director:
– Creates and maintains the journal’s website. Publishes all articles written by journalists promptly after their submission for publishing. Maintains the visual appearance of the website.
Outreach Director:
– Act as the official spokesperson of Science, Translated in communications with external organizations, industry professionals, and researchers. Secures partnerships with other science journals and arrange collaborations to broaden the scope of the organization. Researches potential outreach opportunities for members.
Finance Director:
–  Manages the journal’s funds and handles all financial transactions. Creates monthly budget report reflecting all recent transactions. Maintains an accurate financial spreadsheet with all income and expenses. Coordinates fundraising opportunities to maintain operations. Seeks sponsorships, ad opportunities, and partnerships to maximize the journal’s income. 
Priority deadline: Saturday, June 1st 11:59pm PST
We always welcome applications for journalists and graphic artists! Applications are rolling


  • Write science articles “decoding” jargon-filled scientific manuscripts or debunking common science myths
  • Contribute to our monthly newsletter content
  • Work with other journalists to produce engaging content for our readers to read and continue our mission to make science accessible for all!

Graphic Artists:

  • Create graphics to match each research article to make articles easier to read
  • Design cover of monthly journals and design placement of articles
  • Find creative methods for communicating science through scientific illustration and thumbnail art