Mission Statement

Science, Translated is an international platform for undergraduate students, grad students, and beginner scientists to disseminate scientific knowledge, share their ideas, and connect with other budding scientists through scientific journalism. By producing scientific articles on topics relating to biology, physics, chemistry, astronomy, medicine, ecology, and psychology, students have the opportunity to expand their own scope of knowledge while simplifying the jargon of scientific research and making it more accessible to other undergraduate students. 

The publication plans to recruit writers to report on scientific myths and misconceptions, science news, and upcoming opportunities related to scientific involvement for students. In addition, a large portion of the journal will focus on the translation aspect of analyzing recent research papers and simplifying their content so undergraduate students can better understand ongoing research and potentially get inspired to pursue research topics of their own relating to these scientific discoveries.

Our Mission

  1. To provide an open-access journal to educate students and the public about ongoing scientific research projects and simplify the jargon surrounding scientific research.
  2. To promote upcoming scientists to share their own experiences relating to scientific research and discovery, and inspire the next generation of scientists to get involved with scientific research as well.
  3. To build a strong community of undergraduate students interested in making scientific research more accessible to their peers and the public, and connecting them with professionals in the field through the process of professional interviews for their articles.