Health and Medicine

Health and Medicine, Science News

The Emerging Era of Telehealth: Weighing Care Against Connection

Telehealth, a concept that dates back to the late 1950s, has recently emerged as a cornerstone of mainstream healthcare delivery. Over the past 15 years, technological advancements have made these services increasingly accessible, transforming how patients engage with healthcare. According to a Rock Health report from February 2023, an impressive

Health and Medicine, Science News

The Scientific and Bioethical Legacy of Henrietta Lacks 

I composed medical school essays beneath the watchful portrait of Johns Hopkins, the first benefactor of Johns Hopkins University, at his namesake’s East Baltimore hospital. Though he created an incredible medical and educational legacy, the university reports that Johns Hopkins’ personal documents were lost or destroyed which leaves current scholars

Health and Medicine, Neuroscience, Science News

Brains in a Dish: How mini-brains are changing the way scientists study the brain

‘Mini-brains’, or lab-grown clumps of neurons, are a groundbreaking new technology that scientists are using to learn more about how our brain works. “What makes the human brain unique?” Dr. Madeline Lancaster, a neurobiologist at the University of Cambridge,  has focused her entire career on answering this one question [2].

Health and Medicine, Science News

South Asians and Heart Disease: How Experiencing Anxiety, Depression, and Anger After Discrimination Can Deteriorate Health

These days, it’s no secret that there are health disparities based on race. However, most studies focus on Black versus White health disparities. When Asian populations are included in research, they tend to be generalized into the Asian American/Pacific Islander category, overshadowing the diversity within this group. As it turns

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