Author: Allison Cartee

Allison is a Materials Science Engineering senior at Emory University. She researches single-molecule biophysics in the Finzi-Dunlap group and is passionate about applying physics to biological systems. In her free time, she plays on the club volleyball team, tries new Kombuchas, and watches hockey. 
Health and Medicine, Science News

The Scientific and Bioethical Legacy of Henrietta Lacks 

I composed medical school essays beneath the watchful portrait of Johns Hopkins, the first benefactor of Johns Hopkins University, at his namesake’s East Baltimore hospital. Though he created an incredible medical and educational legacy, the university reports that Johns Hopkins’ personal documents were lost or destroyed which leaves current scholars

Science Myths

The Fault in our Sets

Graphic Artist: Margaret Cartee I stubbornly resisted watching John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars until a midnight flight back from an 8th grade field trip. Sitting in the middle seat between two pre-teen boys, I dutifully rolled my eyes at the mushy dates, poignant declarations, and tragi-romantic ending. Even