Chemistry and Biochemistry, Science News

A Physical Perspective on Molecular Biology

Everything that makes you special can be found in a few simple molecules stacked three billion times. Intrinsic to all organisms, the molecule deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) accounts for the diversity of life, undoubtedly due to its unique structure and various chemo-physical interactions. DNA’s structure ensures the smooth integration of gene expression, transmission, and life. The field of biophysics applies physics concepts to appreciate biology beyond the macroscopic results of pea flower colors, kingdoms of life, or ecosystems.

DNA is a very long molecule where elements bond to each other in a specific pattern. Individual nucleotides considered DNA’s “building blocks” consist of a phosphate group, deoxyribose sugar, and one of four nitrogenous bases, adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). Again, these elements must bond together at very specific sites (Figure 1). Think of a bike. Manufacturers weld the frame, attach handlebars and a seat in a schematic you probably recognize. Similarly, many nucleotides covalently bond on top of each other to form a single strand of double-helix DNA. 

Figure 1. Chemical structure of DNA nucleotide. Covalent bonds shown as solid lines hold a pink phosphate group, black deoxyribose sugar, and any green nitrogenous base together. Graphic credits: Margaret Cartee

If welding metal bonds a bicycle’s more rigid components, covalent bonds secure DNA’s primary structure. But we still cannot ‘ride’ a bicycle frame. We must add other parts like the wheels or a chain. Although these parts are by no means welded or firmly attached, they’re nevertheless integral to the holistic system. The hydrogen bonding interactions between DNA’s four bases give the molecule its secondary structure and, in this way, represent the mechanistically fluid parts of the bicycle. Yet, hydrogen bonds do not share electrons equally as with DNA’s covalently bonded primary structure. Despite their name, hydrogen bonds in the secondary structure are not true bonds and occur due to disparities in atoms’ affinity for electrons. Hydrogen bonding allows two opposite, complementary strands to line up against each other. So, if welding two pieces of metal may represent a covalent bond, tying or chaining up two objects can represent a hydrogen bond. Because each base molecule has a different molecular structure, hydrogen-bonding interactions only occur between specific bases and sites. You wouldn’t wrap a bicycle chain around the handlebars or attach a wheel to the seat. As a rule, T and A attach via two hydrogen bonds, while G and C attach with three hydrogen bonds (Figure 2). Like double tying your shoes, the extra hydrogen bond between G and C gives these two nucleotides an additional fortified level of stability important to parts of DNA that require extra strength. 

Figure 2. Hydrogen bonding interactions between green thymine and red adenine bases as well as purple guanine and yellow cytosine bases on two complementary strands of DNA. Graphic credits: Margaret Cartee

Yet, DNA does not exist as freely floating molecules, at least not in humans. Much like IKEA furniture, your DNA comes specially packaged, and it’s up to your transcription enzymes to assemble the proper gene expression proteins (Figure 3). Along with another few levels of molecular structure and steps, enzymes called polymerases will eventually read the sequence of base pairs in a double strand of DNA. These polymerases may replicate the DNA or transcribe an RNA copy to express your genes. Look in a mirror, and you’ll see your appearance as an ultimate product of gene expression. 

Figure 3. Bacterial DNA comes in freely floating circular plasmids, as shown on the left. Eukaryotic DNA, found in humans, plants, fungi, and protists, comes packaged in linear chromosomes. Although prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA are essentially the same type of molecule, eukaryotic DNA is coiled, wound, and ultimately compacted into these denser chromosomes. In this way, eukaryotes are more complex than prokaryotic bacteria. Graphic credits: Margaret Cartee

Delving back into the chemical microscale, most people first think of the molecules A, T, G, C, and uracil as all the bases in DNA and RNA. Although additional bases occur in other cellular processes, these five bases do most of the biology classroom gene coding. However, scientists discovered another coding nucleotide diaminopurine (DAP) in the 1970s that replaces A and bonds with T in a viral genetic code [1]. Additional nucleotides exist, but these do not occur in DNA strands intended for gene expression. Instead of two hydrogen bonds holding A and T together, DAP introduces a third hydrogen bond with T, making DNA containing DAP relatively stronger (Figure 4). Exchanging DAP for the A base pair essentially strengthens the structure without affecting base pair sequence and thus information transmission. This slight change in structure has enormous consequences on the function of DNA and future applications. Consider adding an extra zip tie to a bike bell or basket and how that might alter the appearance of your bike. Or how would you ride a bike differently if the frame was welded of heavier steel rather than lighter aluminum or if much stronger cantilever breaks replaced your standard clamping brakes?

Figure 4. Blue DAP shown on the left introduces a third hydrogen bond with green thymine, making the DAP and thymine interaction stronger than the normal, wild-type counterpart shown on the right. Graphic credits: Margaret Cartee

The third, fortifying hydrogen bond in DAP DNA hosts many applications beyond maintaining the sequences of bases to phenotypic traits like eye colors or hair textures. DNA is one of the most efficient ways to store data, as after all, minuscule cell nuclei 10-15 m across store all your information. DAP-based DNA clearly proves valuable for keeping a sequence of information intact with a stronger structure. In terms of public health, many modern vaccines use specially packaged ribonucleic acids (RNAs) to fight viral infections. Vaccines use messenger RNAs (mRNAs) that instruct our cells to build parts of viruses called subunits. Our bodies then create antibodies against these subunits and gain immunity to the virus. In short, nucleic acid vaccines differ from traditional vaccines in that traditional vaccines often utilize viral subunits from viruses themselves. Nucleic acid vaccines leverage our cells’ ability to manufacture those same subunits in house. As a result, nucleic acid vaccines are safer for scientists developing the vaccines and for recipients who could potentially suffer unintentional side effects from injecting real pathogens into the body. Clearly, transmission of these blueprints is integral for vaccine efficacy. Think about what types of information you share through word of mouth, texts, emails, or letters. 

Though effective, double-stranded DNA not only fits better genetically but is structurally stronger than single-stranded RNA for human eukaryotes [2]. Scientists already use some DNA based vaccines for some mammals like mice and horses but not in larger mammals like humans, on account of low immune responses [3]. On the other hand, even without DAP, double-stranded DNAs are physically stronger than single-stranded RNAs. The Pfizer mRNA COVID vaccine, for example, requires cold storage at -100˚ F and degrades even with refrigeration after five days [4]. Compared to mRNA vaccines, viable DNA and perhaps DAP DNA-based vaccines could be stored at higher temperatures, making nucleic acid vaccines more accessible to communities lacking proper refrigeration [5]. For now, DNA vaccines only work in animals, but scientists are still investigating whether DNA vaccines can replace mRNA vaccines [5]

The importance of understanding practical applications of biology in evolution, genetics, and vaccine immunology is undeniable. Structural biology and immunology will only play increasing roles in global health as technology, networks of scientists, and pathogens evolve. It’s clear that the physical principles arising from these organic molecules’ structures and chemical interactions ultimately determine their biological functions. 

  1. Callaway, E. (2021, April 29). Weird viral DNA spills secrets to biologists. Nature News.
  2. Hobernik, D., & Bros, M. (2018). Dna vaccines—how far from clinical use? International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(11), 3605. 
  3. Flingai, S., Czerwonko, M., Goodman, J., Kudchodkar, S. B., Muthumani, K., & Weiner, D. B. (2013). Synthetic DNA Vaccines: Improved VACCINE Potency by electroporation And CO-DELIVERED Genetic Adjuvants. Frontiers in Immunology, 4.
  4. McCallum, K. (2020, December 3). Why the Covid-19 vaccine needs to be kept so cold (& what This means for ITS AVAILABILITY). Why the COVID-19 Vaccine Needs to Be Kept So Cold | Houston Methodist On Health.
  5. Silveira, M. M., Moreira, G. M., & Mendonça, M. (2020). DNA vaccines AGAINST COVID-19: Perspectives and challenges. Life Sciences, 267, 118919.